Profa. Dra. Patricia Endo, da UPE Caruaru, é Guest Editor de uma chamada especial do periódico Journal of Computer Networks and Communications.

A Profa. Dra. Patricia Endo, da UPE Caruaru, é Guest Editor de uma chamada especial do periódico Journal of Computer Networks and Communications. A chamada tem como foco trabalhos sobre integração de sistemas resilientes edge, fog e cloud.

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The emergence of Internet of Things (IoT) applications is transforming how society operates and interacts with each other. IoT applications rely on connected things that interact and cooperate with neighboring devices (things) to reach common objectives. However, small form size and heterogeneity typically results in limited storage and processing capacity at the thing-level resulting in reliability, performance, and security issues. Some of these issues can be mitigated by integrating edge, fog, and cloud computing in so-called IoT to cloud (I2C) systems. I2C systems offer scalability and high availability to IoT applications, working as a computational extension and improving the resilience of those I2C systems as a whole.
Despite the advantages of I2C systems, they introduce complexity in the management and interconnectivity of resources and applications. While improving computing capacity and scalability, I2C systems also introduce new points of failure beyond the discreet IoT devices, for example, failures in edge and fog nodes and in cloud infrastructure components. In this special issue, we aim to collect high-quality works on technologies, methodologies, models, and mechanisms that contribute to the more resilient and higher performing I2C systems. We encourage submissions relating relevant original research as well as review articles describing the current state-of-the-art.
Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:
* Design of resilient I2C computing systems
* Secure and fault-tolerant I2C computing systems
* Modeling and simulation of resilient I2C computing systems
* Analyzing and measurement of I2C computing systems
* Fault and recovery models for I2C computing systems
* Availability and performance of I2C computing systems
* Risk-based design of resilient I2C computing systems
* Control in resilient I2C computing systems
* Design tools to develop resilient I2C computing
* Disaster recovery solutions for I2C computing systems
* Computational intelligence applied on I2C computing systems
* Energy efficient solutions for I2C computing systems
* Case studies on resilient I2C computing systems
* Privacy preservation within I2C computing systems
Authors can submit their manuscripts through the Manuscript Tracking System at
Submission Deadline Friday, 31 August 2018
Publication Date January 2019
Papers are published upon acceptance, regardless of the Special Issue publication date.
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